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Technical and administrative staff
Curriculum vitae
1963 - 1972 - Grammar School Prague 5, Czech Republic
1972 - 1976 - Technical High School – Telecommunication, Prague 1, Czech Republic, Graduation 1976
1985 – 1991 - University of Zilina – Faculty of Economy and Management of Telecommunication, Posts & Transport. State Exams: Economy of Telecommunications, Theory of Posts and Telecommunications, Computer Management Systems. http://www.utc.sk.
1998 – 2000 - International Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA), Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, USA. Graduation March 16, 2000. http://www.katz.pitt.edu/.
Other Courese and Seminars
1992 - Scholarship „Total Quality Management“, arranged by Sony UK, Great Britain, Wales, Bridgend. Member of Czech Delegation based on selection given by Ministry of Trade & Industry as a part of the governmental educational program between CzechRepublic and Japan.
1994 - Scholarship “Management of Telecommunication Company” organized byJICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency) in Japan, Tokyo. Only one representative of the Czech Republic nominated by Ministry of Trade & Industry.
Profession profile
September 2013 – today Czech Technical University in Prague, Facukty of Electro Enegineering, Department of Telecommunication Techniques (www.comtel.cz), Research and Development Laboratory Manager
Leading the Laboratory Specialists Team.
Management of the Realization.
Responsibility for the Business and Economic Strategy of the Laboratory.
4.3.2008 – 30.11.2012 - G4S Cash Solutions (CZ), a.s. – Security Director, Managing also IT department
To implement policies, procedures and guidelines in the company to achieve the best possible security of the services provided. Implementation of Minimum Security Standards and Mandatory Security Principles.
Planning and designing of the standards of the security of the objects including technologies (CCTV, Access Systems, and Electronic Security Systems etc.
Definition and implementation operating processes with respect of the protection of the staff and cash.
Defining security systems of the technology used (vehicles, security containers). Defining of the functionalities of the vehicle and personal tracking systems.
Responsibility of the insurance matters – operating limits, global insurance issues.
Setting IT standards and IT security. Creation of the security standards within security policy itself.
Member of top management of the company.
2005 – 31.12.2007 - D.H.S. – Data, Hardware, Software spol. s r.o., Chief Operating Officer
(the employment ship terminated by agreement upon change of the organizational structure as of Dec 31, 2007)
Responsibility for implementation of company solutions, project management. Responsibility for product development and product portfolio creation. Direct supervision of the implementation department.
Leading of the Sales team of the company – deputy General Manager of the company not occupied since December 2005. Creation of marketing plan, preparation of the product oriented events. Leading of the salespersons, preparation of contracts, negotiations on contracts, supervision of the terms fulfillment.
Direct management of the key accounts business cases - Kaufland, HOPI, City of Zlín, City of Liberec ...
Management and supervision of the daughter company in Slovakia. Direct support to sales activities in Slovakia (presence at the meetings, document preparations etc.)
Management of the financial department of the company – deputy General Manager of the company not occupied since 2005. Business plan creation for 2006, 2007 and 2008. Reporting of the results (business and financial). Control and management of the sources – cost effectivity etc.
Responsibility for giving of post selling support and technology repair center activities. Direct supervision of service support department.
Responsibility for software development and keeping promised developing terms. Direct supervision of software development department.
Direct subordination to statutory Managing Director of the company.
Representation of Chief Executive Officer (this position is not occupied at this time). Direct responsibility for financial and sales department in this role.
Responsibility of company targets achievements.
2003 – 2005 - I.C.C.C. Group, a.s. - System Integration Strategy Group Director
Responsibility for overall strategy group performance: logistic center. management of application and services monitoring to customers, third party solutions, alliances, management of partner relationship with technology producers.
Responsibility for strategy group product development, contractual relationships, price management.
Responsibility for project management to implement products to customers.
Responsibility for the creation and retention of the relationships with key customers and partners (IBM, HP ...). Direct leading of the business cases – T-Mobile, Tonak Nový Jičín, Sunbelt (France).
Responsibility for strategy group and company business plan
2001 - 2003 - CZECH TELECOM, a.s., Wholesale Services Group, director of international data services department.
Responsibility of management of relationships with all of the international telecommunication operators – partners of Czech Telecom. Via Wholesale Services Group the responsibility for selling and purchase of telecommunication services, interconnection of the networks, investments, contacts etc.
Responsibility of management of relationships with domestic telecommunication operators to create conditions of mutual cooperation in the field of international telecommunication services.
Responsibility for financial results of international telecommunication services in the field of wholesale (selling and purchase to other licensed operators).
Responsibility for direct purchase and selling of domestic and international services for business needs of Czech Telecom.
Responsibility for international contract relationships in the field of selling and purchase of telecommunication services.
Responsibility of all of the contract covering project of building of international optical cables network (Austria, Germany, Slovakia).
Managing Director of Czech Telecom Austria GmbH, company operating in Austria – fully owned by Czech Telecom.
1994 - 2001 - ČESKÉ RADIOKOMUNIKACE a.s, Headquarters, Chief of Satellite Services Department.
Responsibility for company representation (as a Signatory of Operating Agreements) in the international satellite organizations EUTELSAT, INTELSAT and INTERSPUTNIK.
Responsibility for representation of these international satellite organizations in the Czech Republic to own company and all of the licensed operators for giving of telecommunication services using satellite devices.
Responsibility for management of financial participation of ČESKÉ RADIOKOMUNIKACE, a.s. – as an investor – in international satellite organizations INTELSAT a EUTELSAT.
Responsibility of management of satellite telecommunications services, product development.
Responsibility for contact to access the satellite space segments of the satellites of international satellite organizations INTELSTA, EUTELSAT and INTERSPUTNIK to all of the other licensed telecommunication operators.
Responsibility for invoicing of the satellites services (access to satellite space segments), responsibility for investing management related to financial participation of ČESKÉ RADIOKOMUNIKACE, a.s. in satellite organizations, reporting to the Board of Directors.
Responsibility for creation of Business Plans of ČESKÉ RADIOKOMUNIKACE, a.s. in the field of satellite services.
1993 - 1994 - Správa Radiokomunikací Praha, Headquarters, Head of the Total Quality department, responsibility for company process management.
1992 – 1993 - Správa Radiokomunikací Praha, Headquarters, Sales services Department, member of the department, account manager for telecommunication services given by microwave links and satellite services.
1988 – 1992 - Správa Radiokomunikací Praha, Headquarters, Department of Operations Management, Management of International TV Operations, Head of CzechoslovakianContactCenter.
1987 – 1988 - Správa Radiokomunikací Praha, Headquarters, Department of Operations Management, DispatchingCenter, member of the shift (24/7).
1983 – 1986 - Správa Radiokomunikací Praha, MiddleBohemiaRegionalCenter, MicrowaveOperationsCenter, member of the shift (24/7).
1978 – 1983 - Správa Radiokomunikací Praha, PragueRegionalCenter, TV transmitter Prague – City (PetřínWatchTower) member of the shift.
1976 – 1978 - Duty in the Czechoslovakian Army.
1976 - Správa Radiokomunikací Praha, PragueRegionalCenter, TV transmitter Prague – City (PetřínWatchTower) member of the shift.
Project Management Skills
2012-2009 - Transportation Management System (G4S). This system is based on mobile computing units (MT) used during transportation. The crew has this unit during transportation and it manages the transportation. Information on transaction provided are transmitted to the server where the server application monitors the transportation of each one crew. The System is composed from four modules:
- Application for Mobile Terminal.
- Application for transportation monitoring at dispatching centers.
- Management Information System (MIS). This system evaluates the transportation provided and monitoring of the services provided to customers. MIS combines data from operating module and other sources (ERP, CRM).
- Planning Module – the preparation of daily trips, imports of the customer orders. The module include tools for transportation optimization – shortage of the time and mileage of the trips.
2008 - Creation of National Monitoring (G4S). Based on corporate concept it was my task to build this centre with following functionalities:
- CCTV – reconstruction and change of the CCTV systems used in all of the company ranches. The interconnection of these systems into the centre on separate telco network.
- Access System – implementation of the centrally managed access system (SW G4S) to all branches with the power to set up these rights centrally.
- Electronic Security System – installation of the system sensors and units (including the definition of the security procedures) in all company branches with the centrally managing role.
- Implementation of the integration SW in the centre to interconnect all of the systems and make their functionality conditioned mutually.
2005-2008 - Warehouse Management System (DHS). Implementation of the system (based on SW by DHS) in all of the foreign distribution centers of Kaufland in Europe. The subsequent implementation of this system was to companies HOPI and Sipral.
2002 - Creation of international fiber optic telco network (Český Telecom). Based on the Český Telecom needs it was my duty to realize the project of the extensions of the optical network to Germany, Austria and Slovakia. The project consisted on:
- Lease of the fiber optic strings for 15 years from selected provider (the selection of the provider was a part of the project).
- Lease of the space for placing CT technologies in foreign telehouses (the selection of the telehouse was a part of the project).
- Contracting of foreign telco providers to interconnect network and mutual provisioning of the telco services.
Other Experiences
1992 - Official member of the organization team for world Ice Hockey championship. Responsibility for all of the telecommunication and TV services from the event.
1993 - Responsibility as a project manager for building of first three satellite radio distribution systems for three private radio stations: Evropa 2, Frekvence 1 and Radio Alfa (Radio Impuls today).
1994 - Member of the “Mount Everest1994” mountain climbing expedition – responsibility of telephone and TV services from the event.
1998 - 1999 - Responsibility for building of the satellite VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminals) system as a member of the project team – business part of the project, supplier selection, and contractual relationships. Preparation of business plans and products fro giving of telecommunication services using this satellite system.
1994 – 2001 - Member of the Boards of Signatories of international satellite organizations EUTELSAT (Paris) and INTELSAT (WashingtonD.C.), designated by ČESKÉ RADIOKOMUNIKACE, a.s. for company representation in these top boards
1994 – 2001 - Member of Assembly of Parties of international satellite organizations EUTELSTA (Paris) and INTELSAT (WashingtonD.C.), nominated by government of the CzechRepublic for state representation in these organizations.
1994 – 2001 - Member of the Board of plenipotentiaries and Committee of international satellite organization INTERSPUTNIK, nominated by Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications of the Czech Republic for representation of the state and ČESKÉ RADIOKOMUNIKACE in this organization.
1994 – 2001 - Member of the working groups (economy, operations and transformation) of the international satellite organizations INTELSAT, EUTELSAT and INTERSPUTNIK.
2001 - Responsibility of contractual arrangement of the building of international telecommunication infrastructure of Czech Telecom in Slovakia, Austria and Germany. Responsibility of partner contracts (with foreign operators), sales (Telco services), purchase (technology for infrastructure equipment, lease (long term lease of optical fibers).
2002 - Managing Director of daughter company CZECH TELECOM Austria GmbH, fully owned by Czech Telecom, dedicated to sales and purchase of international Telco services in Austria and surrounding countries.
Interantional Business Trips and Visits
USA (Washington, New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Hawaii, Florida), Mexico, Brazil, Great Britain, (England, Wales, Scotland), SRN, Hungary, Bulgaria, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Syria, Nepal, Singapore, Malaysia, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Japan, South Africa (Pretoria, Cape Town), Austria, Finland, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, SAE.