Primary tabs

• 1983 - 1987 Secondary Electrotechnical School of Plzeň
• 1987 - 1992 CTU FEL in Prague, branch Telecommunication Technology
• 1992 - 2001 postgraduate studies at the Department of Telecommunications Technology
• 2001 - completed doctoral studies by defending the thesis and obtained the Ph.D.
• 2013 - habilitation thesis
Safibra - development of optical sensors for critical infrastructure disruption detection
CSA - the project on optimal selection of international virtual private data network,
ČSL - implementation of data network for navigation of aircraft to landing boxes,
Cisco Systems - an international Cisco Networking Academy project
CESNET, UFE-AVČR - cooperation on the development of high-speed optical systems
COLSYS AUTOMATIC - deployment of data networks for applications at Prague Ruzyně Airport,
Hirschmann - Implementation of Ethernet networks at airports and other industrial applications
SVM - microwave link research and 10 Gbit/s optical link,
Pražská energetika, ČEZ – elaboration of the concept of the integrated SmartGrid system,
ČTU – definition of LTE networks testing methodology,
Siemens CZ - implementation choices of data networks and technologies,
Czech Television – methods of deploying ATM technology in audio-video networks,
Student MSc. a BSc. works
More then 50 defended MSc a BSc. works
Ph.D students
Michal Lucki
Optimization of Transmission Parameters of Photonic Crystal Fibers
David Krčmařík
Long-period Bragg Gratings in Optically Active Fibers
Aleš Kumpera
All-optical SOA-based devices using long period ber gratings
Kozák Miloš
Efficient Control, Routing, and Wavelength Assignment in Loss-Less Optical Burst Switching Networks
Taught subjects
Computer Networks – Bc.
Computer and Communication Networks – Bc.
Data Network Theory – Bc.
Advanced Networking Systems – MSc.
Optical Systems and Networks – MSc.
Optical Systems – Ph.D.
Cisco Academy CCNA and CCNP Instructor
Cisco Academy Best Instructor
Hirschmann Network Systems Planner
Ericsson, GSM System Survey
RIT Certified Network Planner
Computer and Communication Networks, Optical Systems and Networks, Optical Fiber Sensors, ICT Systems and Clouds, Internet Things, Design of Digital Systems, Telecommunication Software, DSP, Nanotechnology and Microstructures
Research activities
Selected grant projects:
- Digital twin for increased reliability and sustainability of concrete bridges - CK03000023, 2022-24
- Monitoring of parameters of rocks disintegration of small and large in scale by fiber-optic sensors - FW03010207, 2021-23
- Comprehensive Fiber Optic Sensor Security of Critical Infrastructures and Objects Using Modern Information Systems, VI20152020008, 2015-2020
- Modern Structure of Photonic Sensors and New Innovative Principles for Intrusion Detection Systems, Integrity and Protection of Critical Infrastructure, VG20102015053, 2010-2015
- Research and Development of the 10Gbit/s Data Modul for High-Rate Free Space Optical Lines and Microwave Lines, FR-TI2/621, 2010-2012
- Adaptive High-Rate Point-to-point Microwave Line Featured by the Transmission Rate of 256 Mbit/s and Adaptive Power Control Systemm, FI-IM5/115, 2008-2010
- Optimization of Data Transmission at 10 Gbps over G.652 Fibres without the Deployment of EDFA with Respect to Maximum Transmission Distance, GA102/04/0773, 2004-2006
Selected publications:
Mařík, R.; Boháč, L. Linear Watershed Algorithm for 1D Real Signals In: Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2017 4th International Conference on. Tianjin: IEEE, 2017. pp. 1103-1108. ISBN 978-1-5386-1106-7.
L. Bohac and M. Kozak, "Optical fiber sensor networks floating in IT cloud," 2016 17th International Conference on Mechatronics - Mechatronika (ME), Prague, 2016, pp. 1-7.
T. Kukrál, M. Kozák, T. Hégr and L. Boháč, "VM migration measurement and failure detection," 2015 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Prague, 2015, pp. 285-288.
J. Vodrazka, Z. Kocur, J. Holecek and L. Bohac, "Procedure to measure of the data transmission speed in LTE mobile networks," Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mechatronics - Mechatronika 2014, Brno, 2014, pp. 644-647.
M. Kozak, B. Jaumard and L. Bohac, "On regenerator placement in loss-less optical burst switching networks," 2013 36th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Rome, 2013, pp. 311-315.
M. Lucki and L. Bohac, "Selected aspects of interferometric measurements of non-electric low-amplitude physical quantities," Proceedings of 15th International Conference MECHATRONIKA, Prague, 2012, pp. 1-6.
D. Kekrt, R. Podgorný, M. Klíma and L. Bohác, "Quadrature linear digital modulator implementation in VHDL," 2010 International Conference on Applied Electronics, Pilsen, 2010, pp. 1-6.
M. Karasek, J. Kanka, L. Bohac, D. Krcmarik, J. Radil and J. Vojtech, "Surviving-Channel-Power Transients in Second-Order Pumped Lumped Raman Fiber Amplifier: Experimentation and Modeling," in Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 664-672, March 2007.
M. Karasek, J. Radil and L. Bohac, "Transmission limits of 10 Gbit/s NRZ data over G.652 without in-line EDFA's," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Telecommunications, 2003. ConTEL 2003., Zagreb, Croatia, 2003, pp. 765-768 vol.2.