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, Ph.D.
Contact e-mail:
+420 22435
Assistant Professor
Curriculum vitae
Ing. et Mgr. Michal Lucki, PhD.
2004–2007: Ph.D. – Czech Technical Univ. in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Telecommunication Engineering. Focus: photonic crystal fibres (Prof. Bohac)
1999–2004: MSc. – Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Information Sciences, Department of Telecommunication and Photonics, Poland (Prof. Suchanska, Prof. Budziak, Dr. Plaza). Focus: contactless optical sensors
1996-1999 – First Secondary School in Starachowice, Branch: math/phys with extended English, Poland
Work experience
Since 2008: Researcher and lecturer at Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Telecommunication (Transmission systems group - Prof. Vodrazka)
Since 2017: Lecturer at Department of Languages, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Dr. Salakova)
2013 - 2017: Lecturer at Vocational School for Electrotechnics, Prague
2013: Lecturer at Summer School, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
2005: Transparency International Czech Rep.
2004: Researcher, Kielce University of Technology, Division of Photonics, (Prof. Suchanska)
2003: BPH PBK Bank (currently GE Money), trainee
• Internship at Kielce University of Technology, Poland, 2022 (DWDM, location systems)
• Internship at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Research Centre for Microtechnologies, Dornbirn, Austria, 2014
• TU Dresden, Germany, DAAD Scholarship
• A great amount of business trips with public speaking: Brussels, Strasbourg, Munich, and many other
• Specialization: optical transmission systems, photonics, security systems, optical modulations, technical English
• Papers in IF journals: 8 (2023), 6 reviewed journal papers, more than 40 indexed conference papers
• Citations 244 (Google Scholar) (2023)
• H-index: 9 (Google Scholar) (2023)
• Cooperation with Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Austria on optoelectronic components (Prof. Seyringer) and laser ablation (Prof. Zehetner)
• Cooperation with VSB - Technical University in Ostrava (Dr. Latal)
• Cooperation with TU Kielce, Poland - geolocation systems (Dr. Plaza)
• Supervision of a team of PhD candidates within a number of projects
• Writing grant projects, investigating grant projects, writing final reports
• Professional interpreter and tutor of English language; technical courses lectured in English, professional translation
• Summer school for French students - ISEP, Ales (Dr. Bestak)
• Writing technical documentation, technical manuals, reports, and papers in English, Czech and Polish
• Delivery of presentations and public speaking at the conferences
• Reviewing and evaluating technical works, grant proposals, papers
• Good analytic skills
• More than 60 indexed papers, conference proceedings, book chapters, international approbation
2020: The Dean's Prize for pedagogical activities (based on students rating, Prof. Pata, Doc. Vodrazka)
2007: Best PhD project of the year 2007 at CTU
2007: The Dean’s Prize, CTU (Prof. Simak)
2007: The IEEE Prize
2005: The Rector’s Prize, TU Kielce (Prof. Suchanska, Prof. Trampczynski)
Currently taught courses
• Optical Systems and Networks – BE2M32OSS, B2M32OSS
• Digital Technique – BE2B32DIT
• Anglický jazyk 1 – XP04A1 (for PhD students)
• Anglický jazyk 2 – XP04A2 (for PhD students)
• Zaklady pocitacovych systemu – B0B32ZPS
• Academic writing– BE3M04AWR, BE9M04AKP
• Telecommunication Lines
• Fundamentals of Data Transmission
• Transmission and Information Systems
• Anglický jazyk B2-1 – B0B04B21
• Anglický jazyk B2-2 – B0B04B22
• Physics in Electrotechnics
• Electronic Circuits for Security Systems
• Technical English
Supervised PhD students
• Ing. Richard Zelený, PhD - defended in 2016
• Ing. Rajdi Agalliu, PhD - defended in 2017
• Ing. Stanislav Kraus
• MSc. Catalina Burtscher , PhD - defended in 2018
• Ing. Kenneth Botah
• Ing. Anastasiya Shkalikava
Supervisor of master and bachelor students
• more than 35 Master (including prized)
• 6 Bachelor projects in the area of optical components and networks
Selected projects
2021-2022: Several projects on quantum optics (Prof. Bohac)
2015-2020: Investigator in several projects focused on pedagogy and e-learning - VOV, Techpedia (Dr. Zeman)
2010-2015: Investigator of the Ministry of Interior project, the modern structure of photonic sensors and new innovative principles for intrusion detection systems, integrity and protection of critical infrastructure (principal investigator Prof. Bohac)
2010-2012: Investigator of a few EU founded OPPA projects – creation of laboratory tutorials, summer schools, seminars (Dr. Zeman)
2009-2011: Principal investigator of the Czech Science Foundation project (basic research), GAČR: Research of nonlinear phenomena of quantum structures to photonic crystal-based optical components of high-speed transmission systems
2007-2010: Investigator in international projects: ELefANTS/ElefANTC, Leonardo da Vinci Community Vocational Training Action Program (Dr. Zeman)
2005-2007: the Czech Science Foundation project, GAČR 102/04/0773, navigation systems (Prof. Vejrazka)
2009: International COST Action MP0702 Towards Functional Sub-Wavelength Photonic Structures (prof. Marciniak)
Selected publications
[1]. Burtscher, C., Seyringer, D., Kuzma, A., Lucki, M.: Modeling and optimization of 1 × 32 Y-branch splitter for optical transmission systems. Optical and Quantum Electronics (IF=2.794), Springer, 2017, 49(12), 395-407. Cited: 7
[2]. Zehetner, J., Kraus, S., Lucki, M., Vanko, G., Dzuba, J. - et al.: Manufacturing of membranes by laser ablation in SiC, sapphire, glass and ceramic for GaN/ferroelectric thin film MEMS and pressure sensors. Microsystem Technologies (IF=2.012). 2016, vol. 22, no. 4. Cited: 17
[3]. Burtscher, C., Lucki, M., Seyringer, D.: Comparison of Optical Properties of 1 x 8 Splitters Based on Y-Branch and MMI Approaches. Romanian Reports in Physics (IF=2.085). 2015, vol. 67, no. 4. Cited: 6
[4]. Agalliu, R. - Lucki, M.: Benefits and Limits of Modulation Formats for Optical Communications. Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2014, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 160-167. Cited: 36
[5]. Zelený, R. - Lucki, M.: Nearly zero dispersion-flattened photonic crystal fiber with fluorine-doped three-fold symmetry core. Optical Engineering (IF=1.352). 2013, vol.52, no.4, art. no. 045003. Cited: 9
[6]. Agalliu, R.; Burtscher, C.; Lucki, M.; Seyringer, D.: Optical splitter design for telecommunication access networks with tripple-play services, Journal of Electrical Engineering (IF=0.84). 2018, 69(1), 32-38. ISSN 1339-309X.Cited: 9
[7] Zitta, T., Lucki, M., Vojtech, L., Neruda, M., Mejzrova L.: Experimental load test statistics for the selected IPS tools on low-performance IoT devices, Journal of Electrical Engineering (IF=0.84) 70 (4), 285-294, 2019, Cited: 2
[8]. Zelený, R. - Lucki, M.: Dispersion limits in the design of small-mode-area photonic crystal fibers. Optical Engineering (IF=1.352). 2014, vol. 53, no. 10, art. no. 105103
[9]. Lucki, M. - Zelený, R.: Broadband submicron flattened dispersion compensating fiber with asymmetrical fluoride doped core. In Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres II. Bellingham: SPIE, 2013, art. no. 87750M, p. 87750M-1-87750M-8. ISSN 0277-786X. Cited: 4
[10]. Agalliu, R. - Lucki, M.: System Performance and Limits of Optical Modulation Formats in Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Systems. Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika (IF=1.059). 2016, vol. 22, no. 2. Cited: 10
[11]. Kraus, S. - Lucki, M.: Dispersion Compensating Photonic Crystal Fiber with Enhanced Properties Achieved by Modified Core Geometry, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2012, vol. 10, no 2, pp. 101-107. Cited: 12
[12]. Lucki, M., Kraus, S. Zelený, R. Zehetner, J. Seyringer, D. - et al.: Investigation of optical thin films printed on the surface of facets of photonic crystal fibers. In Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres IV. Bellingham: SPIE, 2015, vol. 3, art. no. 10.
[13]. Lucki, M. - Agalliu, R. - Zelený, R.: Limits of advanced modulation formats for transition in fiber optic telecommunication systems to increase speeds from 10, 40, 100 Gb. In Optical Modelling and Design III. Bellingham: SPIE, 2014, vol. 3. Cited: 8
[14]. Lucki, M. Boháč, L. Zelený, R.: Fiber Optic and Free Space Michelson Interferometer - Principle and Practice. Book chapter in: Optical Sensors - New Developments and Practical Applications. Rijeka: InTech, 2014. Cited: 7
[15]. Lucki, M. - Zelený, R.: Broadband submicron flattened dispersion compensating fiber with asymmetrical fluoride doped core. In Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres II. Bellingham: SPIE, 2013, art. no. 87750M, p. 87750M-1-87750M-8. ISSN 0277-786X. Cited: 4
[16]. Burtscher, C., Seyringer, D., Lucki, M.: Study of Optical Properties of 1x16 Splitter based on Y-Branch and MMI Approaches, ICTON 2016 (18th International Conference on Transparent Networks), 10-14 July 2016, Trento, Italy. Cited: 4
[17]. Agalliu, R.- Lucki, M.: System improvements in dense wavelength division multiplexing networks by using advanced optical modulation formats, In: Proceedings on 17th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). Warsaw: National Institute of Telecommunications, 2015. pp. 1-4. ISSN 2162-7339. ISBN 978-1-4673-7880-2. Cited: 13
[18]. Lucki, M.: Optimization of Microstructured Fiber for Dispersion Compensation Purposes, In: 2011 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). Piscataway: IEEE, 2011. pp. Tu.P.12. ISSN 2161-2056. ISBN 978-1-4577-0880-0. Cited: 5
[19] Agalliu, R. - Lucki, M.: Transmission Transparency and Potential Convergence of Optical Network Solutions at the Physical Layer for Bit Rates from 2.5 Gbps to 256 Gbps, Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 15 (5), 877-884, 2018. Cited: 6
[20] Burtscher, C. Seyringer, D. Lucki, M. Study of the optical properties of 1× 16 splitter based on Y-branch and MMI approaches, 2016 18th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2016, Cited: 4
[21] Burtscher, C, Seyringer, D., Lucki, M., Kohler, L.: New waveguide shape for low loss and high uniformity Y-branch optical splitter, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXI 10106, 101061M, SPIE, San Francisco, USA, 2017. Cited: 1
[22] Burtscher, C., Lucki, M., Seyringer, D.: Waveguide shape modelling and optimization for high channel Y-branch splitter in optical transmission systems, 2018 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2018
[23]. Lucki, M. - Zeman, T.: Dispersion Compensating Fibres for Fibre Optic Telecommunication Systems. In Advances in Optical Fiber Technology. Book chapter in: Fundamental Optical Phenomena and Applications. Rijeka: InTech, 2015, Cited: 3
Reviewer for journals
• Optical and Quantum Electronics
• Journal of Lightwave Technology
• Telecommunication Systems
• Journal of Optics and Laser Technology
• IET Journal of Optoelectronics
• Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
• Journal of Electrical Engineering
• English – C2
• Czech – C2 (20-year residence in Prague)
• Polish – C2 – native speaker
• French – B2
• German – B2
• Russian – A2
• Cross-country skiing
• Languages
• DIY, art, photography
• Travelling, cars