Digital Transformations for Supporting Next-Generation Labour

The following are among the objectives of the NEXT project:
  1. introducing extracurricular education on digital skills, soft skills, mental health, and digitalisation’s legal aspects to students;
  2. training academic staff of HEIs in order to support learners with qualified coaches who can assist them in their informal studies;
  3. developing innovative learning resources in line with the newest trends in digital technologies;
  4. enhancing students’ teamwork as well as improving their digital skills through carrying out student projects contest;
  5. establishing advanced multimedia laboratories in Ukrainian universities, which will support informal studies by providing an opportunity of gaining practical experience.

To the outputs of the project include:
  • the NEXT-Study learning environment, contributing to creating a common repository of various learning resources, which any student can use to enhance knowledge in a specific field;
  • learning resources, covering different topics on digital skills and digital literacy, including soft skills, mental health awareness, and legal aspects of operating in a digital environment;
  • the NEXT-Collaboration virtual platform aimed at improving communication skills in a virtual workspace.

The project results should significantly contribute to the process of the alignment of future specialists’ digital and soft skills with the modern-day requirements of the ‘digital’ labour market.
A post from spravca on NEXT Project provided by:
Partners of Project 
Project manager at CTU: 
zeman's picture
, Ph.D.